Thursday, November 10, 2011

Your World Is My World; My Fight Is Your Fight

"What did you say?"

The question that I have been asked by many regarding the JDRF breakfast that I got to speak at yesterday. I really don't remember, because I didn't write anything down. I chose to put it in God's hands on Wednesday morning, and God didn't let me down.

I could attempt to summarize what was said, but I would rather focus on how it made me feel.

After my 10 minute discussion with the members at the breakfast, I walked away from that podium knowing that I had made a difference that morning. I could see it in everyones' faces, especially my wife's as she was starting to tear up. I was given great feedback after the breakfast from the audience. I had an absolutely awesome conversation with Tom Brands after the breakfast, which meant a lot to me.

Micheala's world is my world and my fight is Micheala's fight. That is what I thought of before I took the podium Wednesday morning. I guess that you could say that was my motivation. I know at one point I eluded to the fact that diabetes was like a wrestling dual (trying to draw Tom Brands in). It is up to the individual to win the match, but it takes the entire team to win the dual. Micheala and I are in a wrestling match with diabetes, but to defeat diabetes for good, it will take an entire team. Families with diabetic members know exactly what I am talking about. It's a team effort.

Finally, I want to share a conversation I had with Micheala this morning. I am sharing this because I want you to think about our conversation and apply it to your life.

Micheala was dressed and ready for school this morning. She was wearing sparkly pants, sparkly shoes and a neat little top to match. She says to me, "I am wearing all of mom's favorite things. I have sparkly shoes, pants and myself." I questioned, "you're wearing yourself?" "Yeah Dad. I wear myself everyday."

Did I put myself on today? I started thinking. I put a lot of effort into making sure that I was dressed appropriately for work, but did I forget to put myself on? So I checked myself.

Am I ready to make a difference today? Yes.

Do I have motivation to be the best that I can be today? Yes.

Am I in a good mood? Yes.

Am I ready to take on anything that comes my way? Yes.

I guess I am wearing myself today. From this day on, I will make sure that I do not forget to put myself on in the morning. Do the same. Society tells us that we need to clothe ourselves in certain situations because being nude is not appropriate. In regards to clothing yourself mentally; is it ever appropriate to be naked?

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