Thursday, November 17, 2011

Make The Best Of Your Todays

How many times in your life had you said, "I'll do it tomorrow"? I'll admit, I was a procrastinator and used that phrase quite a bit. Matter of fact, I often used it many times in a row which eventually led to not doing "it" ever. I have learned through my own mistakes that it's often too late for yesterday and that tomorrow never comes.

In the pursuit of my purpose, I have many regrets that I didn't take care of myself and advocate for juvenile diabetes at a much earlier time in my life. I wish that at the age of 15, that I would have become involved, in any way, with JDRF. It's too late for that now. I wish that I would have taken better care of myself throughout the past 19 years, but it's too late for that now. I wish I would have attended Diabetic camp more times, but it's too late for that now. It's too late to do the things that I should have done yesterday.

Moving forward, I cannot let my today be clouded with thoughts of what I should have done yesterday. I must move forward and do things today. The things I can do today will change what I can do or how long I can do things the next day. So my focus must be on today. What can I do today to work towards my purpose? What can I do today so that in the future my daughter doesn't have to battle juvenile diabetes? How can I change the world today?

Tomorrow is a date that never seems to appear on any one's schedule. At 12am, tomorrow becomes today and a new tomorrow is created. So don't put things off until tomorrow because tomorrow just doesn't exist. Nothing gets done tomorrow. Things get done today.

In my own life, I have said that I was going to do things tomorrow and of course, since tomorrow never comes, the things don't get done. I started to apply to my purpose. If I choose to advocate for juvenile diabetes tomorrow, I'll never do it. If I choose to start taking care of myself tomorrow, I'll never do it. A cure will not be found on tomorrow. When a cure is found it will be announced that "a cure was found today".

I know that you may be thinking that this is just a word play. No, it's a mindset. Train yourself to think about accomplishing today, doing today and living today. Tell yourself that today is the day you (fill in the blank). Today's are full of possibilities and tomorrows are just uncertainties.

Make the best of your todays.

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