Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Countdown

I have just put Micheala's JDRF Walk for the Cure video on youtube. Most of you have watched it already and have been directed to this website to find out more on how you can help. It's pretty easy and there are many ways that you can help.

1. Share this video with everyone that you can. Direct them to the youtube and have them search for "Born to be Somebody Walk to Cure". This should bring our video up. If not, here is the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jPF7LfZvP4

2. Donations of any size or kind will really help. You can make a donation on;line by going to http://www2.jdrf.org/site/PageServer?pagename=walk_homepage. Then enter Pump Princess for team name and Iowa for state. Click on a walker that you would like to donate to and the rest is up to you. You can also send checks or drop off cash at Walker State Bank in Walker, Iowa. Make checks to Pump Princess.

3. Donate silent auction items for our Winn'ter Kickball Tournament and Silent Auction. The event is January 28, 2012 at Winn's Alley in Walker, Iowa. Co-ed Kickball Tournament followed by Silent Auction and music entertainment. If interested in entering a team, please contact Winn's Alley in Walker, Iowa for details. If interested in donating silent auction items, contact me. This is a great way to advertise for your business.

4. Join the Pump Princess Walk to Cure team on February 27, 2012 in Westdale Mall. This event is fun for the whole family. I will have t-shirts ready for ordering here in the next few weeks. Come show your support. More details to come.

We only have 2 months left and we have a lot of work to do to raise funds for this walk. Any donation size or type matters. I encourage all of you to become art of the cure, whether it's with team Pump Princess or another JDRF walk team. Understand that you are making the difference and that none of this can be made possible without your help. Thank you and lets knock it out of the park again this year.

Monday, December 19, 2011

The Secret....

I am excited to write today's blog because i have a secret to share with everybody. First I have to provide the build up, so please be patient, it will be worth it.

I spent a majority of my life accepting the fact that I was an average kid that would occasionally do something above average, but never was consistently fantastic. I was an average athlete (at best), I got average grades in school (B's and C's), I was an average friend, I came from an average town and well, you get the point by now. I was okay with being average. It allowed me to hide when I needed to hide and never stressed me out with overwhelming expectations to be great.

As an adult, I continued forward with the average life style. I had average relationships, did average work, lived in an average house and so on and so forth. The problem with the average lifestyle as an adult is that average started to turn into below average and then eventually to poor. I also was facing the fact that I had two kids and a wife that were looking to me to be the leader, father and husband that they deserved. Their problem was that all they knew was average, so they only expected the average effort from me....which then led to below average and eventually hitting poor.

I got disgusted and was unsatisfied with being poor at life.

That;s when I heard this secret. Now it may not seem like a secret, but it is only a secret because people don't share this with others and people don't exercise this secret very often. What is the secret?

If there is something in your world that you don't like, YOU can change it!

WHAT?!?!?!? You mean little ole me has an opportunity to change something that I don't like? No way! That can't be true.

Let me pose this question/challenge to you. What is it in your world/life that you don't like? Now think of the EXCUSES for why you haven't done anything about it. Now go through that list of excuses and cross them off as you come up with reasons to make those excuses invalid. Here is an example:

MY DISLIKE IN MY WORLD: I don't like that my daughter and many other children have to deal with Juvenile Diabetes.

MY EXCUSES: I am one person from a small town and what I do doesn't make a difference. I am not a medical scientists so I can't create a cure. I don't have the time to do anything for Juvenile Diabetes. Everybody will think that I am crazy.

MY EXCUSE ERASERS: I can get people to help me and form a committee. I do make a difference because my daughters are watching the good things I am trying to do. I can raise money for the medical scientist so they have funding to find a cure. I can schedule time in the evenings to work on facilitating different fund raising ideas and work on other types of media outlets. I feel very strong about my purpose and don't care what others say, besides some of those people may join me.

So there it is, the secret....You can change the things that you don't like, but it's up to you. Do you make excuses or do you find a way? Do you accept ordinary or would you rather be extraordinary?

Whether it be bills, your health, your attitude or your job.....you can change it.

Stop making excuses for yourself and start making goals. Make a difference today.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

God Bless The Broken Road

I have mentioned this in a post in the past but I couldn't help but revisit the topic. I just had a phone call with the Director of Eastern Iowa Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation on Thursday and she told me that there was 8 new kids diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes this past week. Disgusted.

When I hear this, I immediately go back to that day 20 years ago that I was diagnosed. How scared I was, how scared my parents were and the changes that happened in my life from that day forward. I think about the day that Micheala was diagnosed. The fact that I now had experienced a Juvenile Diabetes diagnosis myself and as a parent. I think about how scared I was on that day and the constant fear I have when Micheala is not within arms reach of Heather or myself.

The fear will never go away.

However as I have mentioned before, we have chosen to embrace our diabetes and have set out to change the world that we, and millions of other Americans live in.

Our pastor talked last Sunday about how things in life don't always go the way that you want them to. In our case, we never wanted diabetes and the continuous flow of medical related bills that go along with diabetes. He talked about how your plans are not your plans, they are Gods plans. He talked about how God chooses you to carry out his plans and it is up to us to embrace them and succeed. Gods plan for us involves advocating for a cure for Juvenile Diabetes.

I have mentioned before how I had gone through a period of time, when things were bad, that I questioned faith and why God was punishing me and my family. I searched for answers and tried to remember what it was that I had done in my life to deserve such punishment. I got depressed. I didn't know how I could ever muster up enough courage to get up everyday and watch my wife battle through thyroid issues, Micheala battle diabetes, Chiari malformation and thyroid issues, my own diabetes and Dylanne growing up in the shadow of everyone's illnesses. But I did.

One day it came to me that I our family was called on by a higher power to do something great. We gave up our plans and started living according to Gods plan.

This has led us to the beginning of great things happening and great things to come. I have been able to advocate for Juvenile Diabetes research at a level that I never would have imagined. I have met new friends through a company that trains people to be leaders and help others. We have been placed in peoples lives to help them achieve their goals. Our kids are now living a life in which they understand that People are more important than stuff. Our lives have been filled with confidence, spiritual fulfillment and happiness, just to name a few. We have direction and we are running forward...full steam ahead.

So today I think about those 8 families that had their world rocked this week with the diagnosis of diabetes. It will be hard. You will cry. You will worry. You will be stressed. Remember that this is part of Gods plan. You were chosen to fight this fight with us. Embrace it! We are in this together and will be until there is a cure. We will overcome and your child will someday have a "normal" life.

I will admit that I had lost faith, but now I say God bless the broken road because through all the hurt, there came an incredible sense of peace and purpose.

I am always available to talk. I am always available to listen. I am always available because I care and that will never change.

You have a decision to make today.......You can change the world in which you live in but it's up to you to embrace it. That is the decision that I make and I make that choice every morning.

My thoughts and prayers are with those 8 families. We will overcome!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I am sorry that I have not written any blogs lately. I have been tied up with work things and just haven't been able to muster up the time to write down some thoughts.

Things haven't changed on my behalf. I am working non-stop, but I know that the minor sacrifices I make now will have a major impact on the individuals in which my agency serves in the future. So I am okay with the long hours and working after hours at home. I know that I am working at the place and in the position that God intended for me at this point in my life. Who am I to interfere with God's plan? However, I have been worried about how this has effected my family.

Heather has been very understanding; more understanding than I would even have expected. I know that she would rather be spending time with me in the evening, but instead, I sit in my office at home and work on a computer. She already takes care of a majority of the day-to-day things in the Schrock family, but lately she has taken on more responsibilities. There are no needs that go unmet. More importantly, she has endured the worst of me throughout the last 4 weeks. She has understood that I am not directing any frustration at her, yet continues o listen to me as I talk through frustrations. She knows that when I get through this stretch, that it will then be "Heather time". I am very thankful for her patience and continuous support.

You know that you have been working a lot when your kids come downstairs to your office and sit down to watch you work. This has been the standard of my two gals lately, especially Dylanne. I love the fact that she asks me questions about what I am doing because this allows me to explain to her the importance of what I am doing and why. The other night, she sat down at my computer and started typing a story. When I asked her what she was doing she replied, "I'm working just like you Daddy".

The girls will come down to my office area and play with their Barbies. I think it is just the idea of me being visual to them that puts them at ease. I don't really mind because I love seeing hem and I am able to stay focused on my work while they play. A win-win for everyone, although I would rather be playing with them and not working around them.

I am proud that my girls have started to really embrace faith. They are always eager to share what they have learned on Sunday and reference their Sunday education throughout the week. Heather and I never wanted to force religion and faith on them, however we wanted to give them opportunities to explore their faith. They have really started to mature spiritually and it is awesome to witness.

I am very proud of those people hat I call my friends. I am proud of their achievements and their decisions to change their lives. I am truly inspired by those that are not afraid to stand alone, don't care what others say about them, dream big and continue to work to better themselves and their families. Keep charging my friends.

Finally........I am proud of myself.

I am proud of the things that I am doing today to create a better tomorrow for myself and those around me. I am proud that I have tackled many of my fears over the past year and discovering that those fears didn't kill me, like I once assumed. I am proud of the fact that I live with 3 wonderful young ladies that love and care about me. Most importantly, I am proud that I haven't quit on anything. Temptations to do so have been very strong, but all it takes is a look in the mirror and into the faces of the 3 ladies that count on me each and every day to make me realize that quiting is no longer an option.

I embrace the opportunities/challenges that come my way because I know that those things give me an opportunity to be victorious.

We are all meant to be victorious...embrace your challenges and knock them out of the park. Make yourself Proud.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

It Matters To Them....It Matters To Me

I am part of the majority that probably spends too much time worrying about work and too little time enjoying the things that really matter in life. This is something that I am working through and trying to fix. I guess I got tired of missing things in regards to my wife and my children. Whether it be school concerts, softball and soccer games or even just playing outside in the summer time; I just got fed up.

My kids are now 6 and 8 years old. I have recently decided to make this change in my life, but I can't help but think about what I have already missed. Things that I missed out on because I was so focused on MY career and MY hobbies.

I have missed a lot of Dylanne's softball games over the past few years. Whether it was because I was volunteer coaching a baseball team or work, it just wasn't right. I was absolutely blessed with the opportunity to coach young men in our community. I took coaching very serious as I wanted them to not only develop into fine baseball players, but fine young men as well. I took great pride in watching these young men succeed, but I was ignoring Dylanne, even when she said it was alright. It wasn't alright. I remember thinking some years back that I would really be tickled if Dylanne would enjoy playing softball since baseball is my favorite sport. She started playing and I wasn't there all of the time to watch her play. My wish had come true and I ignored it, who's fault is that?

In regards to extracirricular activities, Micheala is still young enough that she really hasn't started a whole lot of things, so I have a chance to attend those things of hers that I missed with Dylanne. I can't help but think of the opportunities that I missed to just play outside. Time flies by pretty fast.

It's too late to apologize, but there's still time to break the cycle. My job and personal interests are still important to me, but not as important as the two little girls that call me Dad and that very special woman that calls me her husband. I have made the committment to be at the activities and to not be a spectator in my girls' lives.

Finally, my wife. We have been married for 10 years. We often joke with each other that it doesn't seem that long. As I thought about it, we really haven't spent 10 years together. Up until 2 years ago, we worked opposite shifts, so when I worked, she was at home with the girls. When she worked, I was at home with the girls. Our "quality time" was when we passed each other coming in and out of the house. There are times that I, regretfully admit, put my career before my wife. She never deserved that. Through all of this, she continued to love me for who I was and who I wanted to be.

So as I work to break the cycle, I encourage everyone to learn from me. Don't make the mistakes that I did. Life moves fast, so you have to stop and take a look around. Tell the people that you love, "I love you", better yet, show them you love them. Be at your daughter's softball games, even if they slow in pace non competitive...it matters to her. When your home, be at home. Be there to play with your daughter on the swingset...it matters to her. Take the time to embrace your marriage. Hold your wife and get lost in her soul...it matters to her.

It matters to them....It matters to me.

Monday, December 5, 2011

People Are More Important Than Stuff

Yesterday, we were invited by some freinds to try a new church. So we did and we loved it! I have no ill feelings towards my old church, but I didn't think the girls were learning anything and started to not like going on Sundays.

We changed it up yesterday and attended a church in which the kids have their own service while the adults have service. It was great to be able and sit and worship with just my wife. No breaking up fights between the girls or making numerous trips to the restroom. The kids were in another area of the church having service that was geared towards their age level.

Our service was awesome! Very uplifting and a great message given by a Pastor that is very insightful. We were welcomed into the church with open arms and greated by many of the members.

Our girls said that they enjoyed their service as well. They said that they learned a lot and cannot wait to return next Sunday. I have never seen my girls so excited for church...it was great!

Later in the evening, I was scolding K'la for not following directions. I had told her numerous times to do something, yet she refused to listen to me. I finally had to raise my voice to her and this caused her to run off and start crying. Dylanne perks up and chases K'la down to comfort her. As she walks away, Dylanne says to me, "Dad, we learned in church today that people are more important than stuff."


In my mind, it doesn't excuse K'la's complete disregard to my direction, yet I was so proud that my girls had retained and applied a lesson that they learned at church. People are more important than stuff.

I thought about this the remainder of the evening. People are more important than stuff. The day before, I had been stressing over being able to buy my kids all that they wanted for Christmas. It had put me in a sour mood and I just couldn't break it. There is nothing more that I would love to do than spoil my kids for Christmas, but I realized that I was missing the point. Sure, I could put in numerous hours of overtime to be able to afford every toy in the world, but I would be missing out on spending time with them. People are more important than stuff.

Once again, a lesson learned from my kids. One that I should have known a long time ago. People are more important than stuff.