Monday, November 7, 2011

There Was A Plan All Along

In past postings, I have talked about how I believe that there has been a plan/reason that Micheala and I are Type 1 diabetics. I believe that our illness has turned into our strength. Not only strength for us, but hopefully strength for others. This weekend, we were given another example of how this has been in God's plan for quite sometime; even longer than we originally recognized.

I love the the fact that people read this blog. I love it because the people that read this blog give me inspiring feedback about the blog. My favorite feedback is that people have made it part of their daily routine to read this blog because it "brightens their day". I also love the fact that these same people tell me that they share this blog with their friends, which brings me to today's topic.

It was noticed by someone that I have never even met. Someone that I have no idea who they are or what they do in life. All I know is that they read the blog and pray for my daughter, which is all that I really need to know. It was the observation of this person that shed some light on us this weekend.

This person heard of the blog through one of Heather's aunts in Illinois. Once she read the blog, she started thinking of Micheala and grew an interest in her well-being. She made the observation that right in the middle of Micheala's name was the word "heal". Heather's aunt passed this information off to us this weekend and I am not sure if she truly understands how powerful or what this means to us.

Before Micheala was born, heather and I went back and forth on naming her. We had al sorts of names picked out and Micheala was never one of them. We simply could not agree on a name, until a few days before Micheala's birth, Heather came up with Micheala. Micheala was named after me, Micheal. Yes the spelling is right. Micheal.

I have fought this battle all of my life, people constantly spelling my name wrong. The popular spelling of Micheal is MichAel. My mother had switched the E and the A around; for reasons I am not sure about to this date. I guess this is why I go with Mike, because I was tired of correcting people all of the time. Anyway, so when naming Micheala, Heather thought it would be appropriate to name her after me and keep the same spelling.

So now, with this new observation brought to my attention, I don't think it was an accident all along. I see that there was a reason that my mother switched the vowels in my full name.

It is now, and has been, in black-and-white for a long time. Mic"HEAL"a and Mic"HEAL". Our purpose had been spelled out to us all along, we just hadn't seen it yet. Now we see it. Coincidence? Accident? My faith tells me that it was not. Most of us have been told or have heard that God speaks to us "unusual" ways. I think on May 18, 1977, God spoke to my mother. I think that on April 19, 2005, God spoke to Heather. Our purpose in life had been mapped out for us since day one. It goes back to the saying, "The 2 most important days in your life are the day that you are born and the day that you realize WHY God put you on this earth".

So there was a plan all along. Since the day I was born and the day that Micheala was born, it was spelled out for us in our names. Who would have ever thought that our plans would have ever been so black-and-white? We certainly didn't. I guess that explains why I have been asking "WHY" for so long.

Our purpose is to heal. The "HOW" is up to us. Our purpose is strong, so the "How" becomes easier. Our family advocates, educates and fund raises. That is our "How". If being stressed out, uncomfortable, busy and putting my daughter's face everywhere possible is part of the "How", then we are all in, because we know our purpose is to heal. Our purpose is strong!

Lastly, with the Walk to Cure Diabetes starting to creep up (February), I encourage and invite all of you to join us in our purpose. There are many ways to become part of Team Pump Princess. You can make a donation, either money or an item to be placed in our silent auction. You can join our committee and help us advocate. You can talk to you friends about our cause and share the blog with them. You can join us in the Walk to Cure Diabetes at Westdale Mall in February. These are just a few ways that you can help. Juvenile Diabetes does not have to be a one-on-one battle, we can team up and fight this together. Will you stand beside us as we fight this monster? Will you make the decision to stand up for my daughter and the numerous other kids just like her? Are you will to help change the world as she knows it? A few dollars may not mean much to you in your everyday life, but to Juvenile Diabetes Research, it could mean a cure. Make the decision to be part of the cure.

Contact me to find out how you can get involved (319-361-1317) or go to to make a donation.

Stay posted by looking at the "Upcoming Events" section to the right of this blog page.

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