Wednesday, January 16, 2013

It's Not About Money; It's Not About Fame

We are only a few nights away from our 4th Annual Pump Princess fundraiser.  As the slogan goes..."The Hay is in the Barn".  I wanted to take the opportunity tonight to write about something that has been on my mind.  I hope to offer a better insight for all of you on why we are constantly advertising this fundraiser, why we constantly post on Facebook about the JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes, why we go to the trouble of putting together a youtube video and why we write articles for the local paper.

Anyone that knows me, knows I love to talk.  Truth be told, I wish that I didn't have to talk.  Fortunately, God has placed me in a position and put the words in my heart to spread the message about T1D, so I obey his plan.  Our efforts are not about self gratification, fame or even to boost our egos.  We have goals with our fundraising efforts that are measured by dollar amounts, but this does not define who we are and what we are trying to accomplish.  We've received awards for our fundraising efforts in the past, but those awards collect dust on a shelf and serve as a visual reminder that we have not accomplished what we have set out to do...find a cure.

Simply put, 4 years ago, we decided that we were not happy with our situation.  T1D had poisoned the bodies 1/2 of our family and had completely flipped the lives of the other 2 upside down.  We were not satisfied with our lives as we knew it and decided to do what it takes to change it.

I am not a scientist, nor is anyone else in my family.  Building a lab and creating my own cure was out of the question.  We couldn't avoid or ignore diabetes, because like most diseases, it is a 24 hour, 7 days a week, 365 days a year issue.  so we did our research and found that we could better our situation by choosing to advocate and raise funds for JDRF, who then places 82.5% of those funds directly towards research.  This was our best option and the avenue we chose.

Looking back at the amount of money that we have raised for JDRF over the past 3 years, i can't help but feel a bit of emptiness.  I am very proud of the work and effort that the Team Pump Princess committee has put forth, but I am quickly interrupted in that that as my daughter's insulin pump starts alarming.  We don't spend much time celebrating in this house because, much like it does with other things in life, T1D pulls us back in to OUR reality.

Over the past 3 years, I have stopped asking so much for donations and spent more time educating and advocating for Micheala and JDRF.  Telling Micheala's story to others and offering them a glimpse of what her little body has gone through over the past 3 1/2 years has been my primary focus as of late.  I don't tell the sad story because I want you to cry or feel bad.  I am telling the truth about how Micheala, and the rest of our family, wrestles with this disease.  I talk with passion, because it hurts to see her go through this on a day-to-day basis.

It's not about the's about what that money means to Micheala's future.

All of our money raised goes directly to Eastern Iowa JDRF.  As the team leader and one leading this group of dedicated Pump Princess committee members, I, nor my wife, handles any of the money raised.  This is to squash any belief that the money raised is going anywhere but Eastern Iowa JDRF.  We would never take away from our daughter's future.

Saturday night will bring another successful fundraiser.  The bar will be packed, music playing, beer flowing and money being raised.  I look at it as a celebration.  A celebration of all of the people that have found it in their hearts to back us in our journey to change the world.

Sunday morning, I will wake up start thinking about the 5th Annual Pump Princess fundraiser.

This cycle needs to end. 

Make a choice to be there Saturday night and BE THE DIFFERENCE.  If you cannot attend Saturday night, please contact me and I will let you know how you can be part of our push to end T1D.