Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Diabetic Barbie

Micheala has been a diabetic since he age of four. She has always played with Barbies. This was too awesome of an idea noot to write about...the Diabetic Barbie.

I happened to run across this Facebook page set up by a woman for her little girl Emma. The facebook page, "Diabetic Barbie" has this written in it's description:

A couple of weeks ago, my 7 year old type 1 diabetic daughter asked me why there wasn't a diabetic Barbie. She had heard about a Barbie being made recently with no hair for a little girl battling cancer and was thinking that it would be nice to also have a diabetic Barbie out there! I actually went so far as to contact Mattel and ask them about this, because I think it is a fantastic idea...so man...y little girls are diagnosed at prime Barbie playing age and I think that it would make them feel special to have a Barbie out that is just like them. When I asked Mattel about this, they flat out told me that they do not accept unsolicited suggestions about their dolls. I find this very unfortunate. SO, I created this page in the hopes of starting a petition or something to see if they would be willing to change their minds. I think that if they put out these dolls, that sales would be through the roof personally. I appreciate any and all of your feedback. Please be kind in your comments about my Barbie pump making skills...lol...it was my first attempt.

I have talked about Micheala being a bit embarrassed about having diabetes and that all she really wants is to knw that she is not alone in this fight. I also talk about how we try to raise awareness for juvenile diabetes and educate others, especially young people, about juvenile diabetes. I read about the diabetic barbie and was immediately on board with this idea. I could help but imagine going to one of our hospital visits with the diabetic barbie in hand ready to give to the little girls who had just been diagnosed. Could you imagine the joy that it would bring to that little girl in her time of sadness?

I encourage all of my friends to back Emma and her mother in their mission to have a diabetic Barbie created. I know that we would buy a couple of these Barbies for our family and I am sure that every hospital visit that we make, we would have a diabetic Barbie in hand. Let's get behind this and make it happen.

Emma - Thank you for being courageous. Thank you for having a dream and acting on your dream.

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