Wednesday, February 1, 2012


As a father, I love to share stories of when my daughters do something incredible. I think it is normal for any parent to want "brag up" their kids when they get the opportunity. You know, when they score the winning goal or when they land the lead role in the school play. Whatever it is, we love to celebrate their accomplishments. For me, and maybe I am too simple, I get excited when I see my girls grow. Not physically, but spiritually.

Last week, the school handed out forms to the kids to get enrolled in dance or flag football. As reported by my daughter, Dylanne, the boys were handed flag football forms and the girls were handed dance forms. Dylanne received the wrong form.

She came home from school that night and was very upset. She told us that she got the wrong form and that she had to find the right form on the ground. She told us that all of her friends were laughing at her and making fun of her for having the wrong form. As she shared this with Heather and I, she had tears in her eyes and was very upset. She couldn't quite understand why her friends would laugh and make fun of her over something like "not having the right form".

We encouraged her, as she found the right form and told her that "people throw rocks at things that shine".

Before I go on, I should probably explain. Dylanne received a form for Dance from her teacher. Dylanne was interested in playing Flag Football. So, Dylanne found a Flag Football form on the ground, picked it up and brought it home. When spotted with the flag football form, her friends laughed and teased her. Dylanne stood tall and was courageous.

Dylanne really wants to play flag football. This has nothing to do with me, it's her decision. Regardless of all of the jokes she has gotten from her classmates, she still wants to play. Heather and I are supporting her in whatever she wants to do. She may play, she may not. It will be her decision.

I am very proud of Dylanne for not accepting the limitations that society puts on individuals. Because she's a girl, she should only be allowed to do dance? We have always encouraged her to participate in those activities that she has interest in.

Anyone that knows Dylanne, knows that she is a strong willed child and has a very rough exterior. Dylanne also has a soft interior, and what her friends did to her hurt, but she is determined and that makes me proud.

Like I said, I don't know if she will play football or not. Her decision, I just need to know what kind of shoes to buy her.

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