Wednesday, January 4, 2012

You're Never Alone

After two tough nights in a row.......Micheala, this one is for you.

It's no secret that I watch the Micheala JDRF videos everyday. I start with the current video, "Born to Be Somebody" and then move backwards. I watch "You're Never Alone", "What About Now" and finish up with our JDRF Gala video. I do this to remind myself why I got up this morning. With the past couple nights being tough on Micheala, "You're Never Alone" struck me this morning.

"Well I have to be honest,
As much as I want it,
I'm not gonna promise
the cold winds won't blow,
So when hard times have found you,
And your fear surrounds you,
Wrap my love around you,
You're never alone"

That verse struck a chord in me today. I know that diabetes can be a self-defeating disease that can shoot down the human spirit. I speak from my own experiences, but someday, we will be able to put these tough nights behind us. Someday we won't have to worry about this anymore.

As I watch Micheala, knowing that her diabetes has her not feeling the best, I am frustrated with the fact that all I can offer her are the simple words, "I am working on it" in regards to making her undiabetic.

I know that "love conquers all" so I can wrap my arms around her during this time, love her up and hope that soon she will start feeling better. But with that love, i am driven. Driven to do whatever it takes to reach our vision of a cure for juvenile diabetes.

I have often been criticized for "talking too much" or "being over the top" in my efforts to find a cure. I don't care. I challenge those people to trade places with me for just one day. Trade places with me and experience how much my daughter, my 6 year old daughter, depends on Heather and myself to make her better. I get criticized for being a "dreamer", but I know that I am not the only one. I get criticized for being "too serious" when it comes to juvenile diabetes. I have never understood that as I have chosen to live rather than die. I have chosen to give other kids an opportunity to live rather than live a life full of hopelessness.

Is being a diabetic tough? Yes. Is being a parent of a diabetic child tough? Yes. Do I wish that my life was different? No way! As I have written before, this is God's plan for our family and we have taken the step to embrace it.

So Micheala, I know you've been hurting, but you're not alone....You're NEVER Alone. I am working on it honey, so lets keep doing what we are doing. Let's kick it up a notch. Let's keep visiting newly diagnosed children and families in the hospital. Lets keep advocating for a cure. Lets keep raising funds. Lets keep positive and NEVER give up hope!

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