Monday, January 2, 2012

The Letter

Dear Family and Friends,

With 2012 under way, I am sure that we have all made our New Year's Resolutions. Some of us are looking for happiness. Some of us looking for better health. Some of us may be looking for finanacial freedom. The bottom line is, with the new year, we often set new goals. My resolution has not changed over the past three years because I have not met my resolution. I want a cure for juvenile diabetes.

How is this a resolution and not a wish? The answer is simple. When making a wish, we close our eyes, make the wish and wait for it to hopefully come true. With a resolution, we set goals and work towards those goals. Resolutions require action. We are making a resolution.

Most of you know our story. Most of you know our purpose. Most of you know our passion and nost of you know our goal. So let me tell you somethings that most of you may not know. A person with diabetes lives an average of 15 years less than someone without diabetes. There are 24 million Americans that live with diabetes. Diabetes causes more deaths per year than cancer and AIDS. By the time you finish reading this post, there will be at least 2 more new diagnosis of diabetes in America.

So what are the Schrocks doing to meet the resolution? In 2011, our team raised $11,009 for the Eastern Iowa JDRF Walk for the Cure. In September 2011, we had a water stop at the Cedar Falls Park-to-Park 1/2 marathon, which included friends running in honor of Micheala. We had a very special frind run his first 1/2 marathon in Minnesota in Micheala's honor. We have been blessed to speak at many events including the 2011 JDRF Gala, Corparate Breakfast in Cedar Rapids and soon at the Corporate Lunch in the Quad Cities. We filmed a video for JDRF and have made our own videos which were shared all across the United States, including the country of Germany. We have organized various fundraisers including a kool-aid stand, winter kickball tournament and silent auction. Needless to say, we have been busy....but not busy enough because we still have no cure.

In October 2011, I stood infront of 500 people and asked then to stand up to juvenile diabetes, and on a personal note, stand up for my daughter. Today, I am asking the same thing. Take a stand and help us wipe out diabetes.

There are many ways to help. You can make a donation to team Pump Princess either online or by droping off a donation at Walker State Bank. You can make a donation to our silent auction on January 28th (contact me for details). You can share my videos and story with others. You can join our walk team and walk with us at the Walk for the Cure in February. All it takes is for you to want to help and the rest is easy.

Reality of the situation is that this battle with juvenile diabetes, even though it is an individual fight every day, cannot be defeated by an army of one. Every penny towards the cure gets us one step closer to helping children like Micheala live a diabetic free life.

Great moments come from great opportunities. Here is your great opportunity, now lets make this a great moment. Our goal is $13,001 this year. It is hefty goal and we will have to really work to reach it, but we wouldn't want it any other way. We choose not to be average, so our goals will not be average.

Please join in our fight. Think about that extra pocket change that you throw on your dresser after work. What if that change was the amount that helped fund a cure for juvenile diabetes.

Our efforts are not just about raising funds, it's about being part of something special, it's about being part of the cure.

God Bless,

Mike Schrock

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