Monday, October 10, 2011

But and Butt

I use this blog for a few reasons. 1) To hopefully motivate people into living the life they want to live. 2) To advocate for the cure of Juvenile Diabetes. 3) To document my random thought, or at least what is going on in my mind and 4) to bring up questions to make you think about your own life. Today I choose to blog about reason number 4.

When the word "but" is brought up in my household, my children laugh. They laugh because they think that "but" is actually referring to "butt". They have little boy humor, so after "butt" is mentioned, they carry on for hours. My kids are on to something....maybe I should start laughing at the word "but".

"But" is a word that is usually followed by a group of other words that ultimately forms an excuse. "I would do this but.....", "I should go there but....", "I could help that person but...." and so on. I can say that I have lived my life as a "butt" because I used the word "but" far too often. I have since changed that because I found that just doing something was far easier than trying to come up with a decent excuse.

"I should raise money and awareness for juvenile diabetes but....", yeah there was no excuse. I had all of the reasons why I should, but chose to try and manufacture an excuse to not put in the work. So the way I see it, when we say "but", it's because we want to sit on our "butt".

Sitting on your butt then leads to further problems and stress, which results in having to come up with more "buts" for taking care of the new developing problems in your life. Actions speak louder than words. You can listen to the most motivating speakers this world has to offer, get pumped up, leave and say you're going to conquer the world and get home and do nothing. Actions speak louder than words!

I recently had someone tell me, "but you don't know how bad my life is right now." My response to them was, "No I don't, but do you know how good your life could be right now?" Get off your butt and stop saying but. I have said it before because it was some of the best advice anyone has ever given me, "If there is something in your world that you don't like, it is up to you to change it." Unhappy with government; did you vote? Unhappy with another person; did you talk to them? Unhappy with your financial situation, then what are you doing to cut spending? Unhappy with your body, then what are you doing to get in shape? Unhappy at work, then what are you doing to change that situation?

Great things throughout history have been accomplished because ONE person eliminated all of the "buts" in their thinking. Soon, people around them started doing the same. Take the freedom of this country for example. At some point, one person stood up and said something to the effect of, "If we want something, we have to do it", and the rest you can say is history.

I hate to use the phrase from Nike, but "Just Do It". If you want something, are unhappy about something or just seeking a better you...stop saying but, get off your butt and start making your own history.

I believe that everyone wakes up every morning with the opportunity to make a difference, BUT that is up to you.

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