Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I am sorry that I have not written any blogs lately. I have been tied up with work things and just haven't been able to muster up the time to write down some thoughts.

Things haven't changed on my behalf. I am working non-stop, but I know that the minor sacrifices I make now will have a major impact on the individuals in which my agency serves in the future. So I am okay with the long hours and working after hours at home. I know that I am working at the place and in the position that God intended for me at this point in my life. Who am I to interfere with God's plan? However, I have been worried about how this has effected my family.

Heather has been very understanding; more understanding than I would even have expected. I know that she would rather be spending time with me in the evening, but instead, I sit in my office at home and work on a computer. She already takes care of a majority of the day-to-day things in the Schrock family, but lately she has taken on more responsibilities. There are no needs that go unmet. More importantly, she has endured the worst of me throughout the last 4 weeks. She has understood that I am not directing any frustration at her, yet continues o listen to me as I talk through frustrations. She knows that when I get through this stretch, that it will then be "Heather time". I am very thankful for her patience and continuous support.

You know that you have been working a lot when your kids come downstairs to your office and sit down to watch you work. This has been the standard of my two gals lately, especially Dylanne. I love the fact that she asks me questions about what I am doing because this allows me to explain to her the importance of what I am doing and why. The other night, she sat down at my computer and started typing a story. When I asked her what she was doing she replied, "I'm working just like you Daddy".

The girls will come down to my office area and play with their Barbies. I think it is just the idea of me being visual to them that puts them at ease. I don't really mind because I love seeing hem and I am able to stay focused on my work while they play. A win-win for everyone, although I would rather be playing with them and not working around them.

I am proud that my girls have started to really embrace faith. They are always eager to share what they have learned on Sunday and reference their Sunday education throughout the week. Heather and I never wanted to force religion and faith on them, however we wanted to give them opportunities to explore their faith. They have really started to mature spiritually and it is awesome to witness.

I am very proud of those people hat I call my friends. I am proud of their achievements and their decisions to change their lives. I am truly inspired by those that are not afraid to stand alone, don't care what others say about them, dream big and continue to work to better themselves and their families. Keep charging my friends.

Finally........I am proud of myself.

I am proud of the things that I am doing today to create a better tomorrow for myself and those around me. I am proud that I have tackled many of my fears over the past year and discovering that those fears didn't kill me, like I once assumed. I am proud of the fact that I live with 3 wonderful young ladies that love and care about me. Most importantly, I am proud that I haven't quit on anything. Temptations to do so have been very strong, but all it takes is a look in the mirror and into the faces of the 3 ladies that count on me each and every day to make me realize that quiting is no longer an option.

I embrace the opportunities/challenges that come my way because I know that those things give me an opportunity to be victorious.

We are all meant to be victorious...embrace your challenges and knock them out of the park. Make yourself Proud.

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