Monday, December 5, 2011

People Are More Important Than Stuff

Yesterday, we were invited by some freinds to try a new church. So we did and we loved it! I have no ill feelings towards my old church, but I didn't think the girls were learning anything and started to not like going on Sundays.

We changed it up yesterday and attended a church in which the kids have their own service while the adults have service. It was great to be able and sit and worship with just my wife. No breaking up fights between the girls or making numerous trips to the restroom. The kids were in another area of the church having service that was geared towards their age level.

Our service was awesome! Very uplifting and a great message given by a Pastor that is very insightful. We were welcomed into the church with open arms and greated by many of the members.

Our girls said that they enjoyed their service as well. They said that they learned a lot and cannot wait to return next Sunday. I have never seen my girls so excited for was great!

Later in the evening, I was scolding K'la for not following directions. I had told her numerous times to do something, yet she refused to listen to me. I finally had to raise my voice to her and this caused her to run off and start crying. Dylanne perks up and chases K'la down to comfort her. As she walks away, Dylanne says to me, "Dad, we learned in church today that people are more important than stuff."


In my mind, it doesn't excuse K'la's complete disregard to my direction, yet I was so proud that my girls had retained and applied a lesson that they learned at church. People are more important than stuff.

I thought about this the remainder of the evening. People are more important than stuff. The day before, I had been stressing over being able to buy my kids all that they wanted for Christmas. It had put me in a sour mood and I just couldn't break it. There is nothing more that I would love to do than spoil my kids for Christmas, but I realized that I was missing the point. Sure, I could put in numerous hours of overtime to be able to afford every toy in the world, but I would be missing out on spending time with them. People are more important than stuff.

Once again, a lesson learned from my kids. One that I should have known a long time ago. People are more important than stuff.

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