Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I Dig Carly Rae Jepsen

Here's a couple things I have learned about purpose....

1.  When your purpose is strong, the "How" is easy.

2.  When your purpose is strong, you don't care what others think.

Today, I have been thinking hard about #2 on this list.

I have a fear that I am "in people's face" too much about JDRF and what team Pump Princess is doing to improve the lives of those that live with Type 1 diabetes.  Because of this fear, I have, at times, scaled back my efforts.  There have been times that I haven't taken advantage of an opportunity to talk with others about our cause.  There have been times when I have said no to opportunities to be involved in events to promote what we are doing for JDRF.  There have even been times that I have avoided talking about our diabetes when asked by someone.  I do this in fear.  Fear that people are tired of hearing our story and hearing about what we are doing.  Matter of fact, it sounds goofy that I would even do anything like this even as I write this blog, but I have.  Guilty as charged.

I almost feel as if I have lied to people when I tell them that I am "all in" when it comes to JDRF.  Sure, I volunteer at every opportunity and am involved as much as I can be....but am I really all in?  My fear of what others think of me has made me believe that I have not been all in.

So I decided that in order for me to overcome this fear, I have to be open and honest with everyone.  I felt a good way to start was by letting people know a few things about me that others my find embarrassing.  Why not?  Just put it out there...the embarrassing stuff.  So here it goes...and please feel free to laugh.

I dig Carly Rae Jepsen's song "Call Me Maybe".  When this song comes on in the car, everyone is ordered to be quiet, unless they are singing along with me.  I know that there are many people younger than me that find this song annoying...I find it to be a catchy tune, that puts me in a great mood.  My girls and I can sing the song line by line, alternating verses and so on.  We almost have a full choreographed dance to the song.  I know this song is not age appropriate for me, but I like it. It makes me happy.

I own every Justin Beiber CD.  Not because my girls wanted them (which they did).  Regardless, I have them and listen to them quite a bit.  I have Beibs on my ipod playlist.  Again, not age appropriate, but something that I like.

Those are just 2 things that I figured would help me get over my fear of what people think of me.  I am an emotional person, which those close to me know.  Watching others succeed and overcome, especially kids, hit me straight through the heart.  Watching Dylanne score her first ever soccer goal, seeing Micheala's first hit in softball, seeing the boys that I coach in baseball achieve everyday and watching my wife complete the 100 mile JDRF Ride to Cure in LaCrosse, Wisconsin on August 18th are all things that get me quite emotional.

I put a lot of thought into my efforts and what more I can do to improve the lives of those with Type 1 diabetes, and realized that I am capable of more if I just would stop being selfish and caring about what others think.  Instead of being mute in the shadows, I need to stand and shout on the mountain top.  I need to let people know that this is who I am and this is what I stand for...this is my purpose....and it is strong.  I need to be transparent.

I am putting my fears aside.  Most importantly, I am a type 1 diabetic, my daughter is a type 1 diabetic and I have many friends who are also type 1 diabetics.  I believe that they will all be cured someday.  This is my purpose and I am now going at this purpose with no more fear.

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