Thursday, September 22, 2011

Think Good Thoughts

I often times talk about how blessed I have been to have met some of the most amazing people. Today, I am going to talk about someone that I have never met. My wife has never met this person, but yet we seem to talk about her quiet a bit.

The other day, we got 2 rubber bracelets in the mail. Both black; one with pink writing, the other with purple writing that said "Think Good Thoughts". I asked my wife about the bracelets and she began to tell me a story that I could not forget.

She began to tell me about a woman that she had made contact with on Facebook. Her name is Brenda. Heather told me that the two of them started having conversation back and forth and became friends online. This was great and all, but what was the deal with the bracelets?

Heather starts to tell me about Brenda's little girl who is currently struggling with Epilepsy. She also tells me that Brenda is fighting this battle as a single mother. She proceeds to tell me more, so I decided to do some research and learn more about Brenda and her daughter.

What I found was not a sob story about all of the difficulties that Brenda and Andrea go through; but rather an uplifting story.

I visited andrea's caringbridge page( started reading through the journal entries. WOW! I was amazed at the amount of fight and strength in this family. Brenda does not talk about Andrea's disability as much as she points out Andrea's ABILITIES. I couldn't imagine putting myself in her shoes and going through the daily routine that her and Andrea go through, but she does it. She gets up the next day and does it again, then the next day and so on. Truly amazing!

So I go back to the bracelet..."Think Good Thoughts".

I must assume that this works as a motivator for Brenda's family to keep on moving forward; battle through frustrations and choose to succeed. Now that I wear one of these bracelets, I support Andrea in her fight and hopefully my prayers for her will give her strength to keep fighting. I also support Brenda, as she fights for her daughter, through all of the good times and the bad times.

Brenda and Andrea are truly inspirational. I find it selfish that some of us complain about our jobs, family, bills and other curve balls that life has thrown us. We have an opportunity to change these things. What about Brenda and Andrea? Do they have the same opportunities to change the things in their world? Yet they continue to "Think Good Thoughts". Think about it. What do you complain about on a daily basis? Do you have the opportunity to change those things? If so, why haven't you changed those things already?

God Bless Brenda and Andrea. Thank you for reminding us that we should always stay positive and "Think Good Thoughts" regardless of the hurdles placed in front of us.

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