"You are a rhinoceros! You weigh 6,000 pounds and wake up in the morning CHARGING with a damn-the-torpedoes attitude. Luckily, you've got two-inch-thick skin, because you get hit by a lot of torpedoes. You have audacity and persistence. Your life is an exciting adventure. Keep charging!!!" - Lindsey Roberts
I woke up this morning and had this message on my Facebook status from my good friend, Lindsey Roberts. How does she know just what to say and when to say it?
To those of you confused by this, let me explain. "Rhinoceros Success" is a book written by Scott Alexander. It was given to me by Michael and Lindsey Roberts. The book talks about being a Rhinoceros in life. A 6000 pounds, 2 inch thick skinned animal charging forward. You see, when something that big comes running full steam, there is nothing that can stop it. So the book suggests, being a Rhinoceros, in theory of course, not physically.
So I will be a Rhinoceros!
I've had my disappointments and I am sure that I have let some people down, but I must keep charging. I've had those moments when I wanted to quit, But I must keep charging. I have been frustrated (fascinated), but I must keep charging. I have been told, "that will never happen", but I must keep charging. I have felt that I have hit rock bottom on some days, but I must keep charging.
If you have not read the book, I recommend picking up a copy and doing so. It is an easy read and will take you about 2 nights to read.
I also recommend that we all live like mighty rhinoceros. Charge forward, full steam a head, every day. Don't let dream killers convince you that you cannot do something. Show them that you can. Don't let the every day stress of life in general bring you down, thank God for all of the blessings in your life. Don't let criticism of others de-value your self-worth, know that you are important, stand up and be counted!
The way to keep your dream within arms reach is to keep believing and keep achieving.
Make a difference today!
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