Tuesday, October 30, 2012

T1D Day and The Irony

November 1st will be a day in which every diabetic in the world will be focused on their blood sugars.  2 reasons for such focus:

1. It is the day after Halloween.  Diabetic kids trick-or-treat too!  The urge to eat candy is at it's peak.  Parents will be trying to manage the intake of candy and kids will be trying to sneak as much as possible.  It is a horrible combination that happens at least 2 times a year, Halloween and Easter.

2. November 1st is National T1D day.  How ironic.

November is National Diabetes Month and it starts with November 1st being National T1D Day.  This day was declared to bring awareness to Type 1 diabetes.  A day in which we (JDRF and parents) can raise awareness to this disease that causes so much trouble on days like Halloween.

So what can you do?  I simply ask that you share a story with someone about a loved one who lives with T1D.  That alone will help raise awareness.  If you don't know anyone with T1D, then share our story, we don't mind.

Awareness is something that I never considered to be a part of being involved with JDRF.  At the time of our initial involvement, i figured that the staff at JDRF took care of all of the PR involved with JDRF and never really considered it to be part of our fundraising efforts.  As a JDRF staff, I now can see how much we rely on everyone to help raise awareness.  The more people that talk about T1D, the more educated the community becomes which then leads to more participation.

I ask that you all take a few minutes of your day on Thursday to think about those that live with T1D.  Think about the damage control that those diabetics are doing after a night of splurging on candy.  Think about the newly diagnosed, those living with diabetes, those losing their battles with diabetes and those that have lost their battles.  Let everyone know that it's time to end this disease for good.

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