Friday, November 11, 2011

Somewhere, Somebody

No work today, yet I am still up at 4am. Crazy, I know, but lately I just feel that when I wake up in the morning, I feel like its time to tackle the day. I turn on the TV and start watching the news. The news triggers my thinking about other people in this world.

I start thinking about what other people are doing at this same moment. I start thinking about what other people are going to do with their day. More directed towards my purpose, I start thinking about what diabetics will go through today.

Somewhere,somebody is checking their blood sugar and etting ready for breakfast. Somewhere, somebody is counting carbs and adjusting insulin for their next meal. Somewhere, somebody is tired because they were up all night monitoring their child's blood sugars. Somewhere, somebody slept on an uncomfortable hospital chair because their child was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes last night. Somewhere, somebody woke up sore because they had a night of high blood sugars. Somewhere, somebody is worried sick because their child is a freshman in college and now is monitoring their own diabetes which worries them sick. Somewhere, somebody is considering have children but is worried they will pass their diabetes on to their new born. Somewhere, somebody is scared because they were just diagnosed and think their life is over. Somewhere, somebody is crying because a loved one just lost their battle with diabetes.

Fact: By the time you finish reading today's blog, all of the above will happen. Diabetes diagnosis are spinning out of control. Diabetes is entering our lives every minute. It has no discrimination towards anyone, therefore making everyone a target. It may not be you who is diagnosed, but take a moment to think about who you know that has diabetes. Somewhere, its somebody.

Somewhere, somebody will be advocating for their 6 year old daughter who lives with Type 1 Diabetes. Somewhere, somebody will pray that their dauhter wakes up with good blood sugars. Somewhere, somebody will send their daughter to school and have to pass on her care to a school nurse. Somewhere, somebody will have to comfort his wife so that she doesn't worry about their daughter all day. Somewhere, somebody will fight his own battle with diabetes.

That somewhere is here; that somebody is us.

I hope that somewhere, somebody is putting on their lab coat and is working on a cure. I pray that somewhere, somebody makes advancements in diabetic care. Most importantly, I pray that somewhere, somebody reads this blog today and decides to join our purpose of finding a cure.

That somewhere could be in your seat; that someone could be you.

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